Past Winners

Past Winners

Since the competition began in 2014, we’ve winners from around the world. Before changing the format in 2022, the competition used the MERIT software.
Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia


University of Indonesia - Wikipedia

Universitas Indonesia

A team of construction students brought the Chartered Institute of Building’s coveted Global Student Challenge trophy back to Universitas Indonesia for the second year on the spin. 

The global competition saw teams of students studying built environment qualifications go head-to-head to create a cost-effective, flat-pack type building which can be used as rapid response disaster relief. 

Team Santapurna Sacturary fended off competition from 41 other teams from 20 universities around the world to scoop the top prize and helped Universitas Indonesia become the first university in the contest’s 11-year history to become back-to-back winners. 

Members of the winning team are: Bayu Dewanto, Alexander Ganesh, Fransiskus Adinda Rio, Daffa Aliyo. 

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia


University of Indonesia - Wikipedia

Universitas Indonesia

A team of four construction students from Universitas Indonesia have won the Chartered Institute of Building’s (CIOB) coveted Global Student Challenge.

They fought off competition from nine other teams in the final, which was held virtually during April. In total 38 teams from 24 universities and colleagues from eight countries entered the 2023 competition, which is now in its tenth year. This is the second time a team from Universitas Indonesia has won the competition, the first having won in 2019.

During the final, teams presented detailed project proposals to an international panel of judges online. They were required to provide, among other things, a completed design and build programme, together with costs for each aspect of the build. They also had to share a payment statement, listing what payments will be required, and when, and detail on the key environmental and sustainability benefits to demonstrate a long-term community legacy for their fictional project.

Members of the winning team are: Juan Fidel Ferdani, Nada Laili Nurfadhilah, Elgrytha Victoria Tybeyuliana, Evan Ariel Christoper.




Tongji University

A team of four construction students from Tongji University, China, have won the Chartered Institute of Building’s coveted Global Student Challenge.

Team Tongjiem fought off competition from five other teams in the final, which was held virtually between June 20 and July 1, to win by a mere three points. In total 41 teams from 18 universities and colleagues entered the 2022 competition, which is now in its ninth year. This is the first year a team from Tongji has taken part.

Members of the wining team are Bo Peng, Jingyan Li, Yuhang Wang and Xinyu Ju who are studying engineering management.





Massey University

Team Wonders from Massey University in New Zealand consists of Tim, Megan, Olivia, and our supervisor Eziku. They are all final-year students studying for a Bachelor of Construction degree. Tim and Olivia will be graduating as quantity surveyors, and Megan will be graduating with a construction management major. They decided to enter this challenge together because they wanted to have some fun while being able to gain realistic experience of running a competitive construction company. This was a unique experience for them and feel like they bonded so much more as a team. 

DGC Toronto

DGC Toronto


George Brown College

A team from Toronto has been announced as the winners of the seventh annual Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Global Student Challenge competition, after facing a fiercely competitve international field. The winning team are Members of the wining team, who shared a £2,000 cash prize are Bo Peng, Jingyan Li, Yuhang Wang and Xinyu Ju who are studying engineering management. Toronto, a team of four final-year students studying for the Honours Bachelor of Technology (Construction Management) at George Brown College, a university which also made it to the finals in 2019.

Kanigara Banu

Kanigara Banu


Universitas Indonesia

A team of Indonesian construction students has beaten stiff competition from Canada, the US, China and Australia to win this year’s Global Student Challenge. Team Kanigara Banu from Universitas Indonesia is the first from the country to make the finals in the contest that sees teams from all over the world act as directors of virtual construction companies. In knock-out rounds over several months they respond to scenarios and are judged against numerous indicators including including gross profit to turnover ratio, capital employed, margin, share price, client satisfaction, and more.

Stalwart Construction Group

Stalwart Construction Group


George Brown College

A team from Toronto has won the fifth annual Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Global Student Challenge competition, facing a fiercely competitive international field. The Stalwart Construction Group, as they named themselves, from George Brown College, are the first Canadian team to make the finals. They collected their award from CIOB President Chris Soffe at his Inaugural Dinner, in one of his first official acts as President earlier this month.

Tartan Construction

Tartan Construction


Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian University claimed a third consecutive victory in the Global Student Challenge 2017.

Tartan Construction had a more challenging time than their predecessors, Cali Construction, only getting to the top spot towards the final rounds of what turned out to be a hard-fought final.

The other finalists’ teams were from the University of Cambridge, Loughborough University, the University of Melbourne, Chongqing University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Cali Construction

Cali Construction


Glasgow Caledonian University

One of the questions we’ve been asking since last year is whether Glasgow Caledonian University could make it a second year in a row.

Turns out they could.

Cali Construction have been crowned Global Student Challenge Champions 2016. Throughout the final, they consistently maintained their position at the top of the group, whilst the other teams were constantly moving up and down.

The team were awarded their prize at the Presidents’ Inaugural Dinner, held at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, by CIOB President Paul Nash. They will also receive £2000 in prize money along with access to mentoring from industry leaders who will offer advice and guidance with their professional development.

Cali Construction team member Peter McElroy said, “Winning topped off what was a fantastic event. Everyone involved was part of something very special. Our team had a real blend of personalities, but with a common purpose. The clear strategy, listening and compromising gave us our best results.”



Glasgow Caledonian University

Congratulations to Saltire, the winning team of Global Student Challenge 2015 from Glasgow Caledonian University.

Saltire were not only the second team in the last six years to start and end the finals in first place, but they managed it whilst remaining in first place during the entire finals. Despite making an error in entering figures on the first day, Saltire held their place and were crowned winners.

The victorious team have won a cash prize and will be mentored by industry leaders. Dale Mason from Saltire appreciated the learning opportunity that playing the game presents, he said:

“The best thing about this competition is the business learning side. It’s a massive learning curve, seeing things not just in terms of calculations and equations but in terms of the outcomes of your decisions.”

RMIT CM Team 2



RMIT University

Fredrick Austin, Oscar Macleod Savage, Luke Mitrione and Joel Mitchell from RMIT University Australia; they are all studying for their Bachelor of Applied Science in Construction Management. Each team member will receive mentoring from a CIOB Past President.

Joel Mitchell will be mentored by Alan Crane CBE, Luke Mitirione by Bob Heathfield, Frederick Austin by James Wates.

Joel Mitchell said the team was thrilled to win the competition. “Not only were we obviously ecstatic that we won a global event such as this, but we also had the opportunity to network and meet like-minded individuals from other areas of the planet,” he said.

“It’s these contacts, and the CIOB network we have been introduced to, that we will really benefit from throughout our careers.

“We were really very impressed with how well we worked together. The challenge was very intricate, and with tight timeframes to submit data in the finals – it just wouldn’t have worked unless you worked as a team.”

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